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LD Assistant demo documentation

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The LD Assistant plug-in adds two new essential windows to your editor.

  • Live preview of all your actions
  • Works with any type of actors or blueprints
  • All actions are registered in the UE undo history
  • Editor only assets (no impact on your game performances)
  • Bulk duplicate the selected actors with an offset
  • Create a grid with the selected actors
  • Duplicate the selected actors along a spline
  • Place selected actor around another
  • Set the focus of selected actors on another actor
  • Align selected actors (X,Y,Z)
  • Add local rotations to the selected actors
  • Add random rotations to the selected actors
  • Auto-organize your World outliner
  • Bulk rename actors
  • Measure the distance between two actors
  • Add and edit notes in your level

Important/Additional Notes: All the assets shown in this video are only examples, they are not supplied with the plugin. I recommend disabling the plugin before building the game, for compatibility reasons.

This is the free demo, check out LDA2!

This is the free demo, check out LDA2!

Launch the LD Assistant

Note: You MUST set the grid size to 10 for the plugin to work properly

Duplication tab

The “selection” dropdown allows to set the selection behavior after the action :

  • Select the new meshes
  • Loop:  Do the sequences have to loop from start?
  • Select both


  1. Select the actor(s) you would like to duplicate
  2. Enable the preview
  3. Set the offset
  4. Set the quantity
  5. Click on the “Duplicate” button


  1. Select the actor(s) you would like to duplicate
  2. Enable the preview
  3. Set the offset
  4. Set the quantity
  5. Click on the “Create grid” button


  1. Select the actor(s) you would like to duplicate
  2. Click on “Create spline”
  3. Enable the preview
  4. Customize the spline
  5. Set the quantity
  6. Set the update rotation boolean (the mesh will follow the spline rotation)
  7. Click on the “Duplicate” button, the spline will be destroyed.

Move Actor Tab

REFERENCE ACTOR: Pick an actor, if multiple actors are selected, the first actor selected will be set as the reference

  1. Select the actor(s) you want to be around the reference actor
  2. Set the radius
  3. Click on the “Place around [Name]” button


  1. Select the actor(s) you want to look at the reference actor
  2. Set the update booleans
  3. Click on the “Look at [Name]” button

Tools tab

By clicking on the button "Organizer" all the actors of the level will be automatically arranged in folders.
If some blueprints are outside the folders, simply add the prefix "BP_" and click on the button again.


  1. Select the actors you want to rename
  2. Fill the fields
  3. Set the “Increment” boolean (a number will be added after the name)
  4. Click on the “Rename” button

Measure the distance between the last two selected actors.

Count the static meshes and the lights.

Notes Tab


  1. Pick an actor, if multiple actors are selected, the first actor selected will be set as the reference
  2. Click on the “Add new note to this actor” button
  3. A BP_Note will be created as a child of the selected actor
  4. Fill the fields
  5. Set the size of the note
  6. Click on the “Update note” button


  1. Select the note in the viewport
  2. Click on the “Update target actor” button
  3. Select the new target actor in the viewport
  4. Click on the “Set as target actor” button

Because the note is a child of an object if you change the scale or the rotation of the target the note can have weird behavior. If so, click  on the “Refresh all notes” button.
Please do not edit a note outside of the LD Assistant plugin (in the BP detail window for example).

Align Tool

The align tool allows aligning the actor's pivot on X, Y or Z.The location will be defined with the average location of the selected array.

Distribute Tool

The distribute tool allows distributing uniformly the actor's pivot on X, Y, Z or XYZ.The selected actors will be distributed between the first and the last selected actors.

Rotation Tool

The rotation tool allows rotating actors locally with the defined amount.The random rotation will add random rotation depending on the X, Y, Z boolean values.

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