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Important/Additional Notes: Those material functions override the opacity mask values
This asset use material functions to create :
- Emissive noise
- Vertex deformation and gradient opacity
A material function is a custom node with many inputs and a single output.
Your material has to use material attributes and a blend mode set to masked.
It’s based on 3 material functions (dissolve X,Y,Z or -X,-Y,-Z) with default values for each input so you don’t have to plug them all to see it working.
This asset use material functions to create :
You can use any kind of float manipulator on the material scalar parameter.
The easiest way is probably a timeline with two outputs.
You have to synchronise the “Transition” and the “Glow pattern control” (if “GlowOnDissolve”=True) scalar parameters.
The node “Set scalar Parameter value on Materials” need the EXACT name of the scalar parameter (case sensitive).
Migrate the material functions :
The material functions will be automatically available for search in your material editor.
Residues remain after complete dissolution
Those material functions takes as inputs the object pivot as well as the object boundaries.
The dissolve effect is relative to the pivot of the object so you have to manage the “pivot X/Y/Z offset” parameter to match your wills.
The dissolution is weird:
The dissolve effect is relative to the pivot rotation in the world, so you have to change the current dissolve effect (Z in this example) for another one (X in this example).