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C++ Generator documentation

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Build faster, smarter, and easier with this snippet generator.

UMacros Generator – Boost Your C++ Workflow in Unreal Engine

  • Leverage 100+ Unique Specifiers
    ==>Maximize the power of Unreal Engine’s reflection system effortlessly.
  • Enhance Designer-Friendliness
    ==>Customize how variables appear in the editor for a more intuitive workflow.
  • Blueprint Simplicity, C++ Power
    ==>Creating variables in Blueprints is easy, now do it just as effortlessly in C++.

AActor Generator – Streamline Actor Hierarchies

  • Automatic Module & INCLUDE
    ==> The plugin automatically searches for required modules and includes - eliminate dependency errors for good!
  • Drag & Drop Hierarchy Management
    ==> Easily modify actor hierarchies with a simple drag-and-drop system.
  • Custom C++ Component
    ==> Use your own custom C++ components effortlessly.

C++ Toolbox – Enhance Your Development Workflow

  • Effortless Enum & Struct Generation
    ==> Quickly generate Enums and Structs with minimal effort.
  • Instant Logging & Debugging Tools
    ==> Generate logs and debug shapes in just two clicks.
  • Easily Access Asset Paths
    ==> Retrieve asset paths to load non-C++ assets directly in your code.
  • Engine-Wide Include & Delegate Search
    ==> Quickly find includes and delegate signatures across the entire engine.

Launch the C++ Generator

If you don’t see the toolbar icon be sure to have the plugin enabled in Edit > Plugins > Installed

UMaccros tab : Create variable and functions

  1. Click the + button to create a new variable or function.
  2. Select the item and adjust its settings as needed.
  3. Apply the appropriate flags & specifiers.
  4. Copy the generated code snippet.
  5. Paste it into your code editor.

The C++ generator manually translates each variable type, meaning the available options are currently limited. Below is the list of supported types—we’ll continue expanding it in future updates.

AActor tab : Create a C++ actor hierarchy

Add new components to your actor:

  1. Click the + Add button to add a new component
  2. Select the item and adjust its settings as needed.

You can:

  • Delete items
  • Reorganize your components by simply dragging and dropping them on top of each other. You can only modify the hierarchy of Scene Components, Pure Actor Components remain attached to the root.

To integrate custom C++ components into your actor:

  1. Compile from your code editor (without Unreal Engine running).
  2. Restart Unreal Engine and then C++ generator to see your component appear in the list. (your class must have the "BlueprintSpawnableComponent" specifier like below).

Tools tab

Click on any picture to open it in full-screen mode for a clearer view.

Flags and specifiers

Unreal Engine uses specific macros to expose classes, properties, functions, enums, and structs to the engine, enabling various built-in features.
Main Macros:UCLASS

Each macro can include specifiers that modify how the engine handles them.
🛠️ C++ Generator provides access to 100+ unique specifiers. Every flag or specifier includes a tooltip—be sure to read it carefully to ensure correct usage.

⚠️ Some flags require additional functions and won't compile until all dependencies are met.

UCLASS specifiers

  • Blueprintable: Allows the creation of a Blueprint class that inherits from this class.
  • BlueprintType: Allows creating variables in Blueprints with this type in the editor.
  • Abstract: Makes the class abstract (non-instantiable in the level).
  • EditInLineNew: Assigning a reference of this class type in the editor creates a new instance (instead of just referencing an existing instance or asset).

UPROPERTY specifiers

UFUNCTION specifiers

Want to know more about all the specifiers & flags? Check out BENUI's website: link.

How to compile C++

You can compile C++ code in Unreal Engine using two methods: from your code editor or with hot compile inside Unreal Engine.

Compiling (from the Code Editor)

This method ensures a clean and complete compilation.
Best for: Adding new classes, modifying core functionality, and ensuring stability.

  1. Close Unreal Engine to prevent conflicts.
  2. Open your code editor (Visual Studio or Rider).
  3. Build the project:
    In Visual Studio: Press Ctrl + Shift + B or select Build > Build Solution.
    In Rider: Click Build in the top menu.
  4. Once compiled, restart Unreal Engine to see your changes.
    You can also press SHIFT+F5 to build & launch

Hot Compile (From Unreal Engine)

Quickly compile changes without restarting the engine. Official documentation
Best for: Small updates, logic tweaks, and quick testing.

  1. Make changes to your C++ code, save it.
  2. In Unreal Engine, click "Compile" in the toolbar.
  3. Wait for Unreal Engine to finish compiling and updating the editor.

⚠️ Hot compile has limitations:Cannot be used for structural changes (e.g., new classes or components).May cause instability in complex projects. Check this guide to troubleshoot issues: link

C++ Modules

A module is a collection of classes grouped within a container. By default, Unreal Engine includes only the necessary modules to optimize performance. If you need to use C++ functionality from an external module (e.g., Niagara), you must manually add it to your Build.cs file.
How to Add a Module:

  1. Copy the module name provided by C++ Generator.
  2. Close Unreal Engine and open your Build.cs file. Add the module(s) to the PublicDependencyModuleNames or PrivateDependencyModuleNames list.
  3. Save and close your code editor.
  4. Regenerate your C++ project: Right-click your .uproject file and select "Generate Visual Studio project files", or follow this procedure.

How to Regenerate the C++ project

Having issues with properties, events, or functions not appearing in the editor?
Project no longer compiles? You might be facing UE’s reflection system issues: link

Debugging Steps:

  1. Check the log and review your code for errors.
  2. In Unreal Engine, go to Tools > Refresh Visual Studio Project.
  3. Close Unreal Engine and compile from your code editor (Ctrl + B).
  4. Emergency Fix: Run the provided RegenerateCPP.bat to force a full project regeneration.

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